thanks to a matching grant from the John Ben Snow Memorial Trust and one generous local family,

we are excited to announce that your donation CAN be DOUBLED!

We are assisting more mothers than ever before and YOU can help us continue to provide this critical relief for local families by donating dollars this month.

The first $12,500 in donations will be matched so this is the perfect time to give!

For more ways to make an impact this month, CLICK HERE.


Give a gift that gives back — a donation in honor of a special "mom" in your life will help us distribute much needed diapers to mothers and children living through difficult times. When generous people like you make your 100% tax-deductible gift, you give peace of mind to moms, comfort to their babies and their futures are brighter. You can print out or email a card for mom, here.


Checks can be mailed to:

CNY Diaper Bank, P.O. Box 367

Manlius, NY 13104